We’ll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet.

I was traveling home with some groceries last night, on dusk. As the car I was traveling in slowed to turn into the street I know by heart, it lit up the street sign and I smiled. How many times have I written that name? Before I knew this street. After. How can a simple street name mean so much? But it does. Last night I looked at the illuminated street sign and felt myself relax. All roads lead to Rome.

I remember the first time I saw that sign. Illuminated by headlights that night as well, but much later in the evening. Nearing midnight and so windy. The weather cold. And I’d come such a long way, with my little Daughter Number Two, and travelled for a long time – all of my life, really. I saw that street sign and knew that my journey was almost at an end. I was equal parts relief and anxiety.

In truth, with hindsight, I knew nothing. For if I had I’d have known the journey was just beginning.

9 thoughts on “We’ll Take a Cup of Kindness Yet.

  1. I do remember that feeling and I’m pleased you got to enjoy it. Often the simplest emotions seem to be the best. Connecting with the familiar, friends and family. Lovely.

      1. Ok, now I’m laughing. Returning to a place with lots of memories and people who care about me. How nice that felt. Have I got the wrong end of the stick. Would not be the first time of course.

      2. No probs about that at all. I’ll be writing you an email and flesh out some details if you wish. As someone clever might have said.” I have everything to offer but advice”

      3. Bloody hell. Send me an email with any question you like, except any regarding my hairstyle ( and yes I have a full head of hair ), and I will attempt to answer it, or gulp in the attempt

      4. kate4samh

        I did send you an email. With questions. I started with the weather, to lull you into a false sense of security. Now I am thinking about your hair. Congratulations on keeping it. Does this place you at an age where it could go either way? Or are you reassuring me you are neither a skinhead nor a Buddhist monk? Very adventurous to give me such scope.

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